Saturday, January 17, 2009

Creditor harassment and phone calls

For those of you in debt and delinquent long enough to have been receiving calls from your creditors, you may have noticed that they start out very nice and compassionate. One to two phone calls later, they are now hardened and uncaring. There's a strategy behind this. It's not just that Johnny Callsalot is now frustrated because the nice approach didn't coerce a payment from you.
It's because Johnny wants to talk to you and find out how you got into the debt. Not only that, he wants to find out more personal details to figure out what kind of person you are. Have you been hiding this debt from your family? Talking to Johnny about how you hide your situation from your family because you don't want to worry or upset them could be used as ammunition later. He'll call you and tell you if you don't pay this debt, your family WILL find out. Maybe the entire community.
He will potentially try to use information gathered in the initial conversations to turn against you with threats, scare, and humiliation tactics.

COLLECTORS ARE PAID ON COMMISSION! Every time a collector picks up that phone and dials your phone number, they are not trying to be your friend, they are not trying to be understanding or compassionate of your situation. They are TRYING TO GET PAID! And the sooner you understand that, the better off you will be.

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